El Diablo

The Killing
Aired 4/10/2011

Holder gets hold of a suspect (AMC)

Spoilers! AMC’s The Killingยน definitely knows how to end an episode. It’s only the third day and we got not one but two major breaks in the case: Kris, the skater boy only briefly seen in the pilot, was in the school basement with Rosie, as was Jasper, who no doubt was the one who coerced her into going down there. So case solved, right? I doubt it’s that simple, but thanks to the cliffhangers the writers have been closing each episode on, I’m interested in seeing where things go from here. Continue Reading

The Killing

The striking poster for The Killing (AMC)

Pilot/The Cage
Aired 04/03/11

Looks like AMC has another winner on its hands. The network, originally known for showing classic films, has become the go to place for high quality dramas. With Mad Men‘s fifth season pushed back to next year, The Killing, based on a Danish TV series, offers up an engaging murder mystery to tide us over until that show returns (ditto with Breaking Bad, which finally comes back this summer). Continue Reading