Suburgatory – ‘Pilot’

‘Suburgatory,’ which debuted on ABC last night to strong ratings, is a promising new comedy that felt not unlike a TV version of Mean Girls, as the shrewdly observant Tessa (Jane Levy) and her single father George (Jeremy Sisto) relocate to the suburbs after he realizes that New York might not be the best place to raise a teenage daughter. Of course, the two quickly discover that living in the suburbs comes with its own set of challenges. Continue Reading

Hart of Dixie – ‘Pilot’

I’m still playing catch up from last week so most of my reviews as of late have been brief, which isn’t ideal, but I figured something was better than nothing. I didn’t love this pilot, which premiered last night, but I didn’t think it was unbearably bad either, so I wanted to give it a quick review for those interested. Continue Reading

Charlie’s Angels – ‘Angel with a Broken Wing’

Here’s a question (or questions): When you think of ‘Charlie’s Angels’, whether it’s the original 1970s show or the movies from the early 2000s, do you think of sex trafficking? Torture sequences? An Angel getting blown up? A young, hunky Bosley who seems to be of more use than the Angels themselves? Or do you think of three hotties who go out on missions, take down bad guys, and actually look like they’re having fun doing it? If you answered ‘No’ to the first set of questions (and you should’ve), then brace yourself for the brand spanking new ‘Charlie’s Angels’, re-imagined as a surprisingly (in a bad way) serious-minded action drama series starring three new Angels with haunted pasts and limited acting abilities. Continue Reading

Parks and Recreation – ‘I’m Leslie Knope’

After a very brief recap reminding us that Leslie has been tapped to run for office (and did not disclose that she’s in a secret relationship with Ben), Ron decides to go on the lamb (“I have accrued 228 personal days. Starting right now, I’m using all of them.”) to hide from Tammy One. Now, the visual of Ron (sans eyebrows) going through the process of extracting a hidden survival pack and running through Jerry to get out of the building was genius, but some will question the move of leaving the show mostly Ron-less for the season premiere. Continue Reading